Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Safety of Home

I feel blessed to live near my family and many of my closest friends.  In emotional, busy and crazy times, I am extremely lucky to be able to seek comfort in my loved ones.  To share a movie night or a nice meal means so much more to me than trying to find sollace in a new dress.  We shop for so many reasons: boredom, sadness, fun, out of hope for how that item will make us feel, look, appear.  We believe that particular object will enhance our lives and make us truly, finally, happy.  That illusion is what keeps us shopping.

I'm ready to scream it out, "I am enough, and I have enough!"  I've been reciting this mantra for about 2 years. It eases my feelings of anxiety or stress about all the things I still "need" in my life.  It frees me from holding on to items and people that don't fit anymore.  The truth is that I don't need much, and I already have it all.

This experiment helps me value life's real riches.  It may sound cliche, but I feel deeply wealthy and see the immeasurable abundance in my life.  I am so grateful.

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