Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Let Go

Lately I've really been receiving the message, "Let yourself be guided."  What does this really mean?  To me, it means that I don't have to be in charge of every little detail of my life.  I'm not the only one working on my behalf.  I can relax into knowing that the Universe has got me.  It feels like falling back into a big cloud of supportive safety that will swoop me off into the right direction.  I just have to stop trying to steer and enjoy the ride.  I'm not saying that I won't work hard or hustle or put time into my goals, but the outcome of these efforts is not really up to me.  I'll put my best forward and the rest is up to (insert your word of choice here).  The same force that got me here is the one that runs my life.  As the Course in Miracles suggests, I start every day with these questions:

Where shall you have me go?
What shall you have me do?
What shall you have me say?
To whom?
Then I listen for an answer, an inkling, an idea or a push.  It's fun and exciting and a whole lot easier than struggling through my days.  Recently, I tried this exercise from Esther Hicks.  In your journal, create this table:
Things I will do this week
Things I would like the Universe to handle this week
My side had 8 items and the Universe side had 13.  I listed very specific to-do list items on my side and big wish items on the Universe side (for example, healing my knee).  Now, looking back about 3 weeks later, I realize that the Universe has already tackled 6 of her big items.  Wow!  I did all of my manageable to-dos, so together we are truly a force of awesome productivity!  I am confident that with time, the Universe will get all of her items done.  In fact, I'm betting on it.  What do you want to let the Universe handle this week?  Write me a comment, and I'll add it to my list, too.  Have fun!

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