Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor.

I made a big decision this week.  After years of thinking and learning and exploring my options, I enrolled in the Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor program at the Kerala Ayurvedic Academy.  This year-long, 500 hour program will teach me all about Ayurveda, the Science of Life.  Ayurvedic science is aimed at the preservation of health and prevention of disease by establishing balance and harmony through nutrition, herbs, meditation, and daily routines. The course catalog details amazing classes like Nutrition and Cooking, Physiology, Herbology, Yoga Therapy, Prevention Science, Disease Pathology, Ayurvedic bodywork and more.  It's a big commitment of time, money and energy, but when I really think about it, this is how I want to spend my time, energy and money.  This program is not connected to my day job or how I make money, but I know it will add so much value to my life.  I see this program as another way for me to give.  When I learn and get inspired, I can support people on their own paths to healing.  This is what I'm meant to do.  Whether it leads to a career change, side business or simply a passionate personal hobby, I know it will be great.

Immediately after enrolling, the waves of doubt started to creep in.  The financial commitment can be scary.  But like all the other incredible experiences in my life, I just have to dive in and go for it.  There will always be a million reason why NOT to do something.  But I choose to live my life with a yes mentality.  I can make it work.  I know I'm still processing this big change.  I'm using my meditation practice to let it sink in and feel all the awesome emotions that come up.  I love new chances to grow and learn and challenge myself.  So here we go...bring it on!

P.S. If you want to read more about my one-month Ayurveda experiment, scan to December 2010 in my blog archive.


  1. Nicole,
    This is great! I have been contemplating this exact program, but would be potentially leaving behind my career as a chef, with a decent salary and benefits. It's a leap of faith. Could I pick your brain about the program?

  2. Nicole,
    This is great! I have been contemplating this exact program, but would be potentially leaving behind my career as a chef, with a decent salary and benefits. It's a leap of faith. Could I pick your brain about the program?
