Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A little time

Dear Blog,

As the New Year approaches, I've been thinking about time.  How to spend it, with whom, doing what, feeling how...  Time is one thing that everyone wants.  Therefore, it's surely the best gift we can give ourselves and others.  In 2010, I want to spend my time...

1. Taking great care of my mind, body and spirit.
  • I want to try an Ayruvedic cleanse
  • experience Panchakarma
  • developing my yoga practice
  • attending another retreat or conference
  • chanting/Kirtan

2. Having a positive attitude about National Boards and GO FOR IT!

3. Being honest with myself and others.

4. Enjoying completely my trip to Spain/Europe this summer.

5. Enjoying my new condo.
  • Painting
  • Doing upkeep
  • Paying bills on time
  • hosting dinner parties
All of my resolutions feel completely managable.  I know I'm on the right track.  With compassion, I want to give myself the time to breathe, enjoy and live this life on my terms.  Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A funeral, a break-up and a Merry Christmas

This has been an interesting week of holiday parties, relationship drama and one funeral.  My aunt's mom died last week at the age of 94.  She lived an incredible life, a life filled with fun, family and contentment.  During the service speakers mentioned how she always felt so lucky and fortunate to have such a great family.  People also remember the smallest things.  They remember the brief chat on a long walk.  They remember the funny quirks and real messages under gentle gestures.  It got me thinking about how I want to be remembered.

That same day I broke up with the current man in my life.  Two days later, he's trying to get me back.  It's a cat and mouse game that baffles me.  He wants less pressure and I don't want to settle.  He wants me but not 100%.  The decision may seem obvious, but for some reason we can't let go (yet).  My tears at the funeral were partly for him and hugely for the wonderful parents at my side that will inevitably need funerals someday.  The thought of losing my parents is more than I can bear.  It makes a silly break-up seem insignificant. 

A little perspective can take us a long way.  Life always finds a way to fit into place.  All I can do now is live with integrity, value my loved ones and make this time count.  Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How to start?

As I fumble along setting up my blog, I ask myself, "Why am I even doing this?"  The truth is that I'm not really sure.  I know that I'd like to share my ideas, thoughts and dreams.  Create a place where it all comes together somehow.  Will it ever all come together?  All I can do is start writing and see what happens.  So here we go....